Monday, January 14, 2013

This book that I read that was really good was Sunday's at Tiffany's. This book I haven't recently read it, but it's one of my favorites that I wanted to talk about. I mention this book a lot. I don't know if you saw it in my introduction, but I quoted it there. I love this book because it's a romantic fictional book. This girl named Jane and her mother (Vivian) really never paid attention to her daughter because her career was much more important. So Jane would always talk to her imaginary friend Michael, whom she loved..... Then she grows up and she has a boyfriend named Huge that is loved practically by every woman in New YorK City because he's an actor and he was planning to marry Jane to help out his image a lot more. Jane is with him for her mother basically and then she see's her imaginary friend from her youth, Michael. She was always in love with him, but now he's grown and they start spending time with each other.....and I'm going to stop it there. You should really read this book if you are a girl or even a guy who love romantic novels. IT'S A MUST READ!!!!!